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  • Medical & 多森州医疗保健学院

    作为医学职业培训学校, 多森的富通斯学院, AL提供医疗辅助和制药技术方面的医疗保健十大正规赌博平台大全.  These are both good career fields and a FORTIS education will equip you upon graduation with the skill set for entry-level employment in your chosen area.  In fact, Bureau of Labor Statistics ranks medical assistant among the fastest growing occupations nationally between now and 2018.

    On the other hand, 如果你对技术行业的工作感兴趣, 然后看看多森富通学院的HVACR十大正规赌博平台大全.  FORTIS HVACR十大正规赌博平台大全培训学生安装, 维护和维修今天的加热和冷却系统.  你每天看到的几乎每一栋建筑都需要供暖, 通风和空调服务的时间或其他.  It's no coincidence that Bureau of Labor Statistics reports prospects for HVAC technicians are expected to be excellent nationally.

    FORTIS学院在阿拉巴马州多森市脱颖而出,远远超过普通的职业学院. 富通教师和员工是您教育的合作伙伴. We want you to succeed by you providing you a quality education and then being there when you need us, 从你入学那天到你毕业那天.

    At FORTIS, we prepare students for existing and emerging career options that offer growth potential for those with the desire and discipline to pursue an education. 无论节目的兴趣, FORTIS的课程旨在教授实践技能并提供专业知识. 

    我们的多森校区距离拉克堡的欧扎克只有很短的车程 & Headland.

    多森的富通斯学院, AL was formerly known as Capps College before joining the network of FORTIS Colleges and Institutes.


    在我们的技术贸易十大正规赌博平台大全中, you will learn the knowledge and hands-on skills that will allow you to make a difference doing something you love to do. 我们的综合技能行业课程将传统的课堂教学与情境和实践学习经验相结合,为学生的入门级职位做好准备.

    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 预计在未来十年,医疗保健和医疗行业的就业机会将会增加, 部分原因是我们的人口老龄化和医疗保健需求的增加. 富通提供各种医疗和保健培训计划来帮助满足这一需求.

    Welcome to Fortis!